A fun, playful children’s picture book that takes place once upon a sunny summer evening when Mobo goes to the park for a picnic dinner with his family. There’s even a skatepark! While practicing his jumps in the grass, Mobo hears a buzzing sound. It could ruin the family picnic dinner but Mobo’s curiosity saves the day! Bzzz, bzzz, bzzz!
Illustrated by Catherine Cachia
Gaining Mom-entum: Poems, Parenting, and a Podcast
Abiola's debut poetry chapbook. This unique digital collection features poems written throughout the three seasons of the Gaining Mom-entum podcast, where we try our best to parent our kids for the world we want them to grow up in and the world we live in now. The poems are inspired by the joys, challenges, fears, and hopes we have for our children and our parenting in today's world. These poems will have you nodding, learning, thinking, laughing, and engaging. Don't forget to check out the interactive components!
Available NOW in EPUB and interactive PDF editions! (see Shop for more details)
Scars and Lemonade is the uplifting podcast about resilience and optimism where hosts Patrick & Abi sit down with guests sharing personal stories about serious subject matter, all with a healthy squeeze of humor sprinkled throughout. Because sometimes when life gives you scars, you've gotta make lemonade!
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